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When you first face an unplanned pregnancy, none of your options may sound good. The fact is…you did not plan on this happening at this point in your life. You have plans. Maybe it’s school, your career, your relationship, or whatever else you may have going on. Being pregnant just does not seem to fit in your plans right now.

So is parenting an option?

Choosing to parent is a very difficult decision to make.  Everyone has their own unique situation and obstacles to face.

If you are concerned about resources, there are many options available to you. One such organization is the Nurturing Network, an international charitable organization that responds to the immediate and comprehensive needs of women facing an unplanned pregnancy. They are active in all 50 states and in 30 foreign countries. Nurturing Network offers resources such as housing, legal assistance, financial help, medical services, educational and employment opportunities and more. Assistance is provided without charge and is available without regard to a person’s race, creed or economic circumstances. Visit the resources page for additional options.

The Pregnancy Centers listed on this site are also dedicated to connecting you with resources in your area.

[fancy_header type=”3″]Parenting Resources[/fancy_header]

[accordion_item title=”OptionLine”]

Helpline: 1-800-712-HELP

Option Line provides caring, confidential support to anyone facing an unexpected pregnancy. Their consultants are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via a toll-free phone number, email or live chat. They will connect you with a nearby pregnancy resource center that offers pregnancy tests as well as answers to your questions about pregnancy, STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections), abortion, adoption, parenting, medical referrals and much more.

[accordion_item title=”Birthright International”]

Helpline: 800-550-4900

Birthright offers information and referrals to help meet the needs of women experiencing an unplanned pregnancy by providing material and emotional support.

[accordion_item title=”American Pregnancy Association”]

The American Pregnancy Association is a national health organization committed to promoting reproductive and pregnancy wellness through education, research, advocacy, and community awareness.


[accordion_item title=”Pregnancy Help Centers”] is a website with Missouri pregnancy help centers that will offer free and confidential services, including pregnancy testing, limited ultrasound, community referrals, options counseling and post-abortion support.

[accordion_item title=”Texas Care for Women”]

Texas Care for Women is a website with Texas pregnancy help centers that will offer free and confidential services, including pregnancy testing, limited ultrasound, community referrals, options counseling and post-abortion support.

